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Empowered Fitness Policies


Program Policy


          Sessions will be on a 30-60 minute time frame.  Please be on time for your appointments.  If you are late for a session, it will end at the scheduled time.  There is no membership fee.  Trainee's must use sessions within 1 month from the date of purchase.  Training sessions are by appointment only.  The training packages are a month-to-month option. 

The cardiovascular cards do not have a one month time limit; the trainee may use a punch from their card anytime equipment is available regardless of the date of purchase.  There is a limit of 60 minutes on each piece of equipment.  Only training clients are eligible to purchase cardiovascular punch cards and use the cardiovascular equipment. 

          Each new trainee is required to be assessed with the MicroFit fitness evaluation program.  The trainee will be charged the fitness evaluation fee.  This assessment will evaluate the trainee's fitness status, identify appropriate health improvement programs, and track outcomes.


Payment Policy


          Sessions will be prepaid and will be due at the time of the initial appointment.  Check, cash, or credit card is accepted.  Monthly payment can be made with two installments with the first payment due at sign up and second payment due in two weeks. The second payment must be made with a postdated check; the check will be deposited two weeks after the first payment when the second payment is due.  Session payments are non-refundable.


Cancellation Policy


          Payment for sessions canceled less than 24 hours before the scheduled time will be charged unless the client experiences extreme circumstances that include, but are not limited to illness and death.  The personal trainer has the right to ask for proof of any such incident.  If there should be a discrepancy, the ultimate decision will be left to the personal trainer.


          Should a personal trainer not appear for a pre-scheduled, pre-paid session, the client shall have the option to reschedule the missed appointment or receive a full refund for that particular session